Steve Parker
Logistics for Europe:
An Initiative for a Prosperous and Sustainable Europe

Since 1993, citizens and businesses in the European Union have benefitted from the Single Market. Today, less and less people remember the days when business was confronted with enormous waiting times at border controls, adding up to thousands of hours, to ensure all formalities were completed and customs stamps received.

Logistics companies and their customers from industry and commerce therefore highly value the borderless Single Market, which ensures the free movement of goods.

Operating in the Single Market, freight forwarders can do business without huge administrative costs and waiting times, which ultimately benefits the consumer. Unfortunately, this is now being taken for granted by many.

The times when business had to deal with border controls within the EU have quickly been forgotten, as has been the fact that we have been living in peace for more than 70 years thanks to the European project.

Those who believe that the solution to social and economic challenges in Europe would entail turning away from the common European idea and returning to nation-state protectionism must not be left to their own devices. Instead, business needs a stronger Europe through further opening of markets and harmonisation, as well as removing barriers instead of creating new ones. Creating a fully integrated transport sector will translate into improved logistics chains, greater environmental sustainability, enhanced internal cohesion and increased competitiveness of the EU on the global stage.

Europe is the world’s most globally connected region and a leader in trade flows and the movement of people. The EU should continue to lead the way by remaining a world champion of open and free trade, as well as an engine for growth.

Europe is worth all our efforts! Let us set an example and keep the world open. Join us and become a supporter of ‘Logistics for Europe’ to ensure a prosperous and sustainable European Union.